Research and Development - Leartd

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Ongoing research projects:
Project TELEsquadra
2007 – present
GPS used to monitor construction site progress.
2002 – present
Project to design an aircraft able to take off and land vertically and simultaneously fly like a normal fixed-wing airplane without tilt-rotor or helicopter mechanical complications. The estimated cost per hour of flight should be a third of that of a helicopter with the same power. A scale model is under construction (1.3m x 1m). The project is being developed with the Italian Air Force and other parties.
Project Wheel 2000
2000 – present
Patent pending on a wheel-drive-direction-suspension group for defence, construction machinery and rescue purposes.
Project Rostriz
2000 – present
Pre-treatment for solid urban waste on the place of production for apartment buildings, hospitals, barracks, hotels, etc., with the idea of reducing water usage, obtaining an almost anhydrous parallelepiped, easy to handle and good for fuel and terracing material. The final goal is to drastically reduce urban transport and eliminate the use of bins in the streets, resulting in a considerable reduction in costs and improved healthiness.
Project H2
– 2000
If power plants have less power consumption, they must continue to produce the same amount of energy (or almost the same amount) at all times. The idea is to use the unused electricity to enter hydrogen and oxygen to be used for various purposes and produce energy at the time and where it is needed. The idea is deposited at SIAE, Italy.
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